高虹, 李飞飞, 吕国依, 夏英俊, 王嘉宇, 孙健, 唐亮, 徐正进*
沈阳农业大学水稻研究所 / 农业部东北水稻生物学与遗传育种重点实验室 / 北方超级粳稻育种教育部重点实验室, 辽宁沈阳110866
GAO Hong, LI Fei-Fei, LÜ Guo-Yi, XIA Ying-Jun, WANG Jia-Yu, SUN Jian, TANG Liang, XU Zheng-Jin*
Rice Research Institute / Key Laboratory of Rice Biology and Breeding, Ministry of Agriculture / Key Laboratory of Northern Japonica Super Rice Breeding, Ministry of Education, Shenyang Agricultural University, Shenyang 110866, China
图1 不同类型品种的88个籼粳分化位点在染色体上的分布 红色方块代表籼型位点, 灰色方块代表粳型位点, 黄色方块代表籼粳杂合位点, 白色方块表示缺失数据。
Fig. 1 Genotype pattern of 88 loci on 12 chromosomes that differentiate indica and japonica rice Red squares indicate indica alleles, gray squares indicate japonica alleles, yellow squares indicate heterozygous sites, and white squares indicate missing data