张焕欣, 翁建峰*, 张晓聪, 刘昌林, 雍洪军, 郝转芳, 李新海*

Genome-wide Association Analysis of Kernel Row Number in Maize
ZHANG Huan-Xin, WENG Jian-Feng*, ZHANG Xiao-Cong, LIU Chang-Lin, YONG Hong-Jun, HAO Zhuan-Fang, LI Xin-Hai*
图1 穗行数全基因组关联分析 XJ、JL和HN分别代表新疆、吉林和海南。黑色水平线代表全基因组关联分析的显著阈值。
Fig. 1 Genome-wide association study of kernel row number with mixed linear model XJ, JL, and HN indicate experiments at Xinjiang, Jilin and Hainan, respectively. Black horizontal line indicates the genome-wide significance threshold.