刘荣榜1,2, 陈明2,* , 郭萌萌2, 司青林2, 高世庆3, 徐兆师2, 马有志2, 尹钧1,* |
Characterization and Functional Analysis of a Small GTP-binding Protein AtRAB Interacting with H+-pyrophosphatase AVP1 inArabidopsis thaliana
LIU Rong-Bang 1,2, CHEN Ming 2,* , GUO Meng-Meng 2, SI Qing-Lin 2, GAO Shi-Qing 3, XU Zhao-Shi 2, LI Lian-Cheng 2, MA You-Zhi 2, YIN Jun 1,*
图1 酵母双杂交验证AtRAB与AVP1的相互作用 A: 将pBT 3 STE-AVP1和pPR 3 N-AtRAB及其阴性对照共转化酵母感受态细胞, 左图为双缺培养基SD-Trp-Leu的生长结果; 右图为四缺筛选培养基SD-Trp-Leu-His-Ade+40 mg L -1 X-#cod#x003b1;-gal选择性培养基生长结果, 10、10 -1 和10 -2 为不同的稀释梯度; B: 试剂盒自带质粒空载体阴阳性对照。 Fig. 1 Identification of interaction between AtRAB and AVP1 by yeast two-hybrid system A: pBT 3 STE-AVP1 and pPR 3 N-AtRAB were co-transformed into yeast competent cells. Left: yeasts grown on medium SD-Trp- Leu; Right: yeats grown on medium SD-Trp-Leu-His-Ade+40 mg L -1 X-#cod#x003b1;-gal. 10, 10 -1 , 10 -2 : different concentration gradients; B: negative and positive control. |