乔麟轶1,4,#cod#x0002A;#cod#x0002A;, 李欣1,#cod#x0002A;#cod#x0002A;, 张晓军1, 詹海仙1, 郭慧娟1, 李建波4, 常建忠3,#cod#x0002A; , 郑军2,#cod#x0002A; |
Whole-Genome Sequence Isolation, Chromosome Location, and Characteriza-tion of Primary Auxin-ResponsiveAux/IAA Gene Family inAegilops tauschii
QIAO Lin-Yi 1,4,#cod#x0002A;#cod#x0002A;, LI Xin 1,#cod#x0002A;#cod#x0002A;, CHANG Zhi-Jian 1, ZHANG Xiao-Jun 1, ZHAN Hai-Xian 1, GUO Hui-Juan 1, LI Jian-Bo 4, CHANG Jian-Zhong 3,#cod#x0002A; , ZHENG Jun 2,#cod#x0002A;
图1 粗山羊草 AuxIAA 家族基因的染色体定位 基因左边的竖线表示这些基因位于同一位点。 Fig. 1 Chromosomal distribution of Aux IAA genes in Ae. tauschii genome The vertical line, which is at the left side of some genes or markers, indicated that these genes or marks are located at the same locus. |