刘正帅1, 刘贵芬1, 杨明煜2, 贾晓1, 李运祥1, 赵法茂1,#cod#x0002A; |
Constitution and Spatiotemporal Expression of Starch Branching Enzyme in Developing Wheat Grain
LIU Zheng-Shuai 1, LIU Gui-Fen 1, YANG Ming-Yu 2, JIA Xiao 1, LI Yun-Xiang 1, ZHAO Fa-Mao 1,#cod#x0002A;
图3 Native-PAGE检测陕旱8675灌浆期籽粒SBE同工酶表达及活性 a: 花后5 d和10 d, 同工酶A尚未表达, 谱带为内源磷酸化酶酶带染色为蓝色; 花后15 d, A开始表达, 谱带为A和内源磷酸化酶的叠加褐色和蓝色叠加。b: SBE同工酶表达量用灰度值%表示; 同工酶A因无法与内源磷酸化酶分离而未测定。 Fig. 3 Native-PAGE profile of SBE isozymes and SBE expression quantity in Shaanhan 8675 during grain filling a: The bands of phosphorylase and isozyme A were superposed in Native-PAGE. Isozyme A was not expressed in the developing grain at 5 and 10 days after anthesis because enzyme activity staining showed blue. but expressed since 15 DAA Overlapping blue and brown. b: Expression quantities of SBE isozymes were represented by gray value %. Data of isozyme A were not available due to unable to separate it from phosphorylase. |