杜永林1,2, 缪学宽1, 李刚华1,#cod#x0002A;, 张俊1, 王绍华1, 刘正辉1, 唐设1, 丁艳锋1,#cod#x0002A;

Common Characteristics of Balanced Yield Increase in a Large Area of Mechanical Transplanted Rice in Jiangsu Province
DU Yong-Lin1,2, MIAO Xue-Kuan1, LI Gang-Hua1,#cod#x0002A;, ZHANG Jun1, WANG Shao-Hua1, LIU Zheng-Hui1, TANG She1, DING Yan-Feng1,#cod#x0002A;
图1 不同产量水平田块抽穗期顶部叶片长度比较 D1: 剑叶; D2: 倒二叶; D3:倒三叶; D4: 倒四叶。
Fig. 1 Comparison of leaf length of different leaf position at heading stage in the field with different yield levels D1: flag leaf; D2: the 2nd leaf from the top; D3: the 3rd leaf from the top; D4: the 4th leaf from the top.