张帆 , 蒋雷, 鞠丽萍, 金秀锋, 王轩, 张晓科* , 王宏礼, 付晓洁 |
Cloning a Novel GeneTaNRX of Trx Superfamily and Developing Its Molecular Markers Related to Drought Resistance in Common Wheat
ZHANG Fan  , JIANG Lei, JU Li-Ping, JIN Xiu-Feng, WANG Xuan, ZHANG Xiao-Ke * , WANG Hong-Li, FU Xiao-Jie
图3 晋麦47 TaNRX-a 和西农2208 TaNRX-b 中 TaNRX 基因结构和序列变异示意图 外显子用粗线表示; 非翻译区用细线表示, 包括内含子、5′-UTR和3′-UTR。 Fig. 3 Sketch map of structure and sequence variation of gene TaNRX in Jinmai 47 TaNRX-a and Xinong 2208 TaNRX-b The thick line shows the position of exon, and the thin line shows the position of intron, 5′-UTR, or 3′-UTR. |