张高阳 , 祁建民* , 徐建堂, 牛小平, 张雨佳, 张立武, 陶爱芬, 方平平, 林荔辉 |
Cloning Cellulose Synthetase GeneCcCesA1from Jute (Corchorus capsularisL.) and Transformation ofArabidopsis via Antisense Vector
ZHANG Gao-Yang  , QI Jian-Min * , XU Jian-Tang, NIU Xiao-Ping, ZHANG Yu-Jia, ZHANG Li-Wu, TAO Ai-Fen, FANG Ping-Ping, LIN Li-Hui
图5 Southern杂交结果 1: pCAMBIA1301质粒对照; 2: 阴性对照 3: Bst E II酶切; 4: Bgl II酶切; 5: Nco I酶切;。 Fig. 5 Results of Southern blot 1: positive control of pCAMBIA1301; 2: negative control. 3: digested by Bst E II; 4: digested by Bgl II; 5: digested by Nco I. |