彭玉 , 孙永健, 蒋明金, 徐徽, 秦俭, 杨志远, 马均* |
Effects of Water Management and Slow/Controlled Release Nitrogen Fertilizer on Biomass and Nitrogen Accumulation, Translocation, and Distribution in Rice
PENG Yu  , SUN Yong-Jian, JIANG Ming-Jin, XU Hui, QIN Jian, YANG Zhi-Yuan, MA Jun *
图1 不同水氮处理对干物质积累速率的影响 W1: 控灌; W2: 干湿交替灌溉; W3: 淹水灌溉; F1: 尿素全部底施; F2: 尿素基肥:分蘖肥:穗肥=5:3:2; F3: 硫包膜缓释肥全部底施; F4: 树脂包膜控释肥全部底施。 Fig. 1 Effects of water management and nitrogen on biomass accumulation rate W1: controlled irrigation; W2: alternate wetting and drying irrigation; W3: flooding irrigation; F1: urea single basal application; F2: urea applying ratio was base : tillering : spiking =5:3:2; F3: sulfur coated N fertilizer single basal application; F4: resin coated N fertilizer single basal application. |