江文文 , 尹燕枰* , 王振林* , 李勇, 杨卫兵, 彭佃亮, 杨东清, 崔正勇, 卢昆丽, 李艳霞 |
Effects of Postponed Application of Nitrogen Fertilizer on Yield and Physiological Characteristics of Flag Leaf in Wheat under Post-anthesis Heat Stress
JIANG Wen-Wen  , YIN Yan-Ping * , WANG Zhen-Lin * , LI Yong, YANG Wei-Bing, PENG Dian-Liang, YANG Dong-Qing, CUI Zheng-Yong, LU Kun-Li, LI Yan-Xia
图4 高温胁迫和施氮处理对小麦旗叶超氧化物歧化酶SOD、过氧化氢酶CAT和过氧化物酶POD活性的影响2012-2013 数据为3次重复的平均值与标准误, 不同的字母表示在0.05水平上差异显著。 Fig. 4 Effects of heat stress and nitrogen application on activities of superoxide dismutase SOD, hydrogen peroxidase CAT, br and peroxidase POD in flag leaf of wheat 2012-2013 Bars superscripted with different letters are significantly different at P 0.05 as determined by LSD method. br The columns and bars show the average and standard error of three replicates. |