李继发1,*, 邓志英1,*, 孙福来2, 关西贞1, 王延训1, 田纪春1,* |
Resistance Genes of Wheat Variety Shannong 20 Identified by Diagnostic Molecular Markers
LI Ji-Fa 1,**, DENG Zhi-Ying 1,**, SUN Fu-Lai 2, GUAN Xi-Zhen 1, WANG Yan-Xun 1, TIAN Ji-Chun 1,*
图1 不同抗病基因分子标记的扩增结果 各泳道自左向右依次为DL2000分子量标记、山农20、PH82-2-2和954072。A~F: 抗白粉病基因 Pm12 A、 Pm16 B、 Pm24 C、 Pm30 D、 Pm35 E和 Pm36 F的分子标记带型; G~L: 抗条锈病基因 Yr5 G、 Yr9 H、 Yr15 I、 Yr24 J、 Yr26 K和 YrTp1 L的分子标记带型; M~O: 抗叶锈病基因 Lr1 M、 Lr21 N和 Lr26 O的分子标记带型。 Fig. 1 PCR profiles of molecular markers for different resistance genes From left to right, the four lanes in each panel were loaded with DL2000 marker and genome DNA templates extracted from Shannong 20, PH82-2-2, and 954072, respectively. A-F: Banding patterns of markers for powdery mildew resistance genes Pm12 A, Pm16 B, Pm24 C, Pm30 D, Pm35 E, and Pm36 F; G-L: Banding patterns of markers for stripe rust resistance genes Yr5 G, Yr9 H, Yr15 I, Yr24 J, Yr26 K, and YrTp1 L; M-O: Banding patterns of markers for leaf rust resistance genes Lr1 M, Lr21 N, and Lr26 O. |