刘聪1, 肖旦望1, 胡学芳1, 邬克彬1, 官春云1,2, 熊兴华1,2,* |
Cloning and Expression Analysis of Two Homologous Genes Codingsn-Glycerol-3-Phosphate Acyltransferase 6 inBrassica napus
LIU Cong 1, XIAO Dan-Wang 1, HU Xue-Fang 1, WU Ke-Bin 1, GUAN Chun-Yun 1,2, XIONG Xing-Hua 1,2,*
图5 BnGPAT6 基因在湘油15不同器官中的表达 M: DNA分子标量; R、S、L、F: 根、茎、叶、花, E1、E2、E3: 开花后1、2、3周的胚; C1、C2、C3: 开花后1、2、3周的果荚。 Fig. 5 Expression of BnGPAT6 gene in different organs of Xiangyou 15 M: DNA marker; R, S, L, and F: root, stem, leaf, and flower, respectively; E1, E2, and E3: to 1-, 2-, 3-week after pollination embryos respectively; C1, C2, and C3: 1-, 2-, 3-week after pollination capsules, respectively. |