张微1, 孙鸿1, 邢莉萍2, 卫晓静1, 王华忠1,* |
Cloning of Autophagy-related Genes,ATG10s, in Wheat and Their Expression Characteristics Induced byBlumeria graminis f. sp.tritici
ZHANG Wei 1, SUN Hong 1, XING Li-Ping 2, WEI Xiao-Jing 1, WANG Hua-Zhong 1,*
图2 小麦ATG10和其他物种同源蛋白的比较 A: 小麦ATG10和模式物种同源蛋白的多序列比对。直线示保守的Autophagy_act_C结构域; *号示保守的ATG12结合位点半胱氨酸。B: 真核生物ATG10同源蛋白的进化树Neighbor-joining。分支处的数字表示评估结果的置信水平%。 Fig. 2 Sequence comparison of wheat ATG10s with homologues from other species A: multiple alignment of wheat ATG10s and homologues from model organisms. The predicted Autophagy_act_C domain is under thick lines. The asterisk mark * shows the conserved cysteine residue at the ATG12-binding site. B: phylogenic tree of eukaryotic ATG10 proteins Neighbor-joining. The reliabilities of internal branches are shown in percentages. Ta: Triticum aestivum ; Bd: Brachypodium distachyon ; Os: Oryza sativa ; Si: S e taria italic ; Zm: Zea mays ; Sb: Sorghum bicolor ; Sl: Solanum lycopersicum ; At: Arabidopsis thaliana ; Cs: Cucumis sativus ; Rc: Ricinus communis ; Pt: Populus trichocarpa ; Vv: Vitis vinifera ; Gm: Gl y cin e max ; Mm: Mus musculus ; Sc: Saccharomyces cerevisiae . |