王诺菡1,2, 于霁雯2, 吴嫚2, 马启峰1, 李兴丽2, 裴文锋2, 李海晶2, 黄双领2, 张金发2, 喻树迅1,2,*

Cloning, Expression, and Functional Analysis ofGhMYB0 Gene from Cotton (Gossypium hirsumtum L.)
WANG Nuo-Han1,*, YU Ji-Wen2, WU Man2, MA Qi-Feng1, LI Xing-Li2, PEI Wen-Feng2, LI Hai-Jing2, HUANG Shuang-Ling2, ZHANG Jin-Fa2, YU Shu-Xun1,2,*
图4 GhMYB0蛋白亚细胞定位 GFP: 以暗场A、明场B和暗场、明场叠加C观察pBI121-GFP载体在洋葱表皮细胞中的瞬时表达。GhMYB0:GFP: 以暗场D、明场E和暗场、明场叠加F观察pBI121-GhMYB0:GFP融合表达载体在洋葱表皮细胞中的瞬时表达。
Fig. 4 Subcellular localization of GhMYB0 protein GFP: images of green fluorescence GFP of pBI121 vector in onion epidermal cells under dark-field A, bright-field B and overlapped field C. GhMYB0:GFP: images of green fluorescence GFP of pBI121-GhMYB0:GFP vector in onion epidermal cells under dark-field D, bright-field E, and overlapped field F.