张兴华, 高杰, 杜伟莉, 张仁和*, 薛吉全

Effects of Drought Stress on Photosynthetic Characteristics of Maize Hybrids at Seedling Stage
ZHANG Xing-Hua, GAO Jie, DU Wei-Li, ZHANG Ren-He*, XUE Ji-Quan
图2 干旱胁迫对玉米品种陕单609和郑单958叶片PSII荧光诱导动力学曲线OJIP和相对可变荧光曲线Δ V t 影响 OJIP曲线按照 V OP = F t - F o F m - F o 进行标准化; Δ V t 是干旱处理与对照的曲线的差值Δ V t = V OP treatment - V OP control。CK:正常供水; LS: 轻度干旱; MS: 中度干旱; SS: 重度干旱。
Fig. 2 Effects of drought stress on the mean OJIP transients of Shaandan 609 A and Zhengdan 958 B on a logarithmic time scale The relative variable fluorescence derived from the mean OJIP transients between F 0 and F m is defined as: V OP = F t - F 0 F m - F 0 . The difference kinetics Δ V t = V OP treatment - V OP control in different drought treatments are shown. CK: control, LS: low drought stress, MS: moderate drought stress, SS: severe drought stress.