殷桂香, 张磊*, 佘茂云*

Structural Characterization and Abiotic Stress Response of Soybean TRK- HKT Family Genes
YIN Gui-Xiang, ZHANG Lei*, SHE Mao-Yun*
图6 大豆GmHKT1;2蛋白3D模式图 A: 正面图; B: 反面图。黑点为4个保守残基; 圆球为转运的离子; 箭头所示为ATP结合位点; α螺旋和无规则卷曲分别用黑色及灰色表示; N和C分别代表GmHKT1;2的N端和C端。
Fig. 6 3D homologous modeling of GmHKT1;2 A: front view; B: back view. Four conserved residues and transported ions are shown as dots and sphere. Arrows point to ATP binding motif. Random curls and α-helices are shown in grey and black color in ribbon, respectively. N and C: N and C terminus of GmHKT1;2 separately.