吴林坤1,2 , 黄伟民1,2,*, 王娟英1,2,*, 吴红淼1,2, 陈军1,2, 秦贤金1,2, 张重义2, 林文雄1,2,* |
Diversity Analysis of Rhizosphere Microflora of Wild R. glutinosa Grown in Monocropping for Different Years
WU Lin-Kun 1,2 , HUANG Wei-Min 1,2,**, WANG Juan-Ying 1,2,**, WU Hong-Miao 1,2, CHEN Jun 1,2, QIN Xian-Jin 1,2, ZHANG Zhong-Yi 2, LIN Wen-Xiong 1,2,*
图7 不同连作年限地黄根际土壤假单胞菌属qRT-PCR定量分析 CK: 对照土; ZC: 头茬土壤; WR: 野生土壤; CC: 重茬土壤。 Fig. 7 qRT-PCR quantification of Pseudomonas in rhizospheric soils of R. glutinosa with different year monocultures CK: control soil; ZC: newly planted soil; WR: wild R. glutinosa soil; CC: two-year monocultured soil. |