谭河林1,* , 许欣颖1, 付立曼1, 向小娥2, 李剑桥1, 郭昊伦1, 叶文雪1 |
Cloning and Expression Pattern of DNA Methylase I (MET1) from Brassica napus L. and Its Progenitors
TAN He-Lin 1,* , XU Xin-Ying 1, FU Li-Man 1, XIANG Xiao-E 2, LI Jian-Qiao 1, GUO Hao-Lun 1, YE Wen-Xue 1
图3 BnMET1 、 BrMET1 、 BoMET1 和 AtMET1 外显子和内含子结构 结构图由在线GSDS 2.0软件显示, 图中黑色柱状表示外显子, 黑线表示内含子, 每个基因的外显子和内含子按照序列长度比例绘制, 图底为序列长度标尺。 Fig. 3 Exonintron structure of BnMET1 , BrMET1 , BoMET1, and AtMET1 Black boxes denote exons within coding regions and the black lines connecting them represent introns. The length of boxes and lines represents the size bp of the corresponding exon and intron, respectively, and the length ruler shows at the bottom of the figure. The gene structures without the untranslated regions UTRs were constructed using the Gene Structure Display Serve tool 2.0 GSDS, http:gsds.cbi.pku.edu.cn . |