沈荔花1,2, 李碧凉1, 任勇杰1, 李程勋1, 钟永嘉2, 方长旬1,2, 林文雄1,2,*

Phenolic Acid Synthesis of Allelopathic Rice Regulated by OsMYB and Its Weed Inhibition
SHEN Li-Hua1,2, LI Bi-Liang1, REN Yong-Jie1, LI Cheng-Xun1, ZHONG Yong-Jia2, FANG Chang-Xun1,2, LIN Wen-Xiong1,2,*
图4 与稗草共培养下, 转基因PI312777与其野生型植株的酚酸代谢关键基因的表达变化 缩写同 图1 。
Fig. 4 Relative expression analysis of the genes relative to phenolic acid synthesis in transgenic PI312777 and WT under riceBYG co-cultured condition Abbreviations are the same as those given in Fig. 1