苏适1, 李瑞航1, 郎丹莹1, 张柯1, 郝小虎1, 刘研1, 王军卫2,3, 张海洋4, 徐虹1,3,* |
Microstructure of Glandular Trichomes on Leaf Surface of Sesame and Changes of Trichome Secretions under Drought Condition
SU Shi 1, LI Rui-Hang 1, LANG Dan-Ying 1, ZHANG Ke 1, HAO Xiao-Hu 1, LIU Yan 1, WANG Jun-Wei 2,3, ZHANG Hai-Yang 4, XU Hong 1,3,*
峰面积大于2%的组分中酯类/烷烃类物质相对含量的比值 CI: 常规灌溉; PAI: 根系分区交替灌溉。 CI: conventional irrigation; PAI: alternate irrigation in partitioned roots. |