陈鸿飞1,* , 庞晓敏1,*, 张仁2, 张志兴1, 徐倩华3, 方长旬1, 李经勇4, 林文雄1,* |
Effects of Different Irrigation and Fertilizer Application Regimes on Soil Enzyme Activities and Microbial Functional Diversity in Rhizosphere of Ratooning Rice
CHEN Hong-Fei 1,* , PANG Xiao-Min 1,*, ZHANG Ren 2, ZHANG Zhi-Xing 1, XU Qian-Hua 3, FANG Chang-Xun 1, LI Jing-Yong 4, LIN Wen-Xiong 1,*
再生稻不同水肥调控下再生分蘖情况 GN: 干湿交替灌溉施用促苗肥处理; G: 干湿交替灌溉不施用促苗肥处理; S: 淹水灌溉不施用促苗肥处理。 |