
Grain Filling and Dehydration Characteristics of Summer Maize Hybrids Differing in Maturities and Effect of Plant Density
Ze-Hua WAN,Bai-Zhao REN,Bin ZHAO,Peng LIU,Shu-Ting DONG,Ji-Wang ZHANG
图2 不同熟期夏玉米品种生理成熟时的籽粒含水率
标以不同小写字母的柱值达到0.05显著差异。DH518: 登海518; HZ8: 衡早8号; ZD958: 郑单958; DH605: 登海605。
Fig. 2 Grain moisture content at physiological maturity of summer maize hybrids differing in maturities
Bars superscripted by a different small letter within the same plant density are significantly different at the 0.05 probability level. DH518: Denghai 518; HZ8: Hengzao 8; ZD958: Zhengdan 958; DH605: Denghai 605.