UV-B胁迫下Ca 2+对颠茄生理特性与次生代谢产物的调控研究

Effect of Exogenous Ca 2+ on Physiological Characteristics and Secondary Metabolites accumulation of Atropa belladonna L. Seedlings under UV-B Stress
Ke-Huan LU,Xing LIU,Yi YANG,Zhi-Hua LIAO,Neng-Biao WU
图4 UV-B胁迫下不同浓度Ca2+对颠茄根(A)、叶(B)中PMT、H6H、TR I相对基因表达量的影响
标以不同小写字母的柱值在同一个基因不同处理组间差异显著(P < 0.05)。T0组表示未进行任何处理的空白对照, T1组表示UV-B辐射处理12 d, T4组表示UV-B辐射背景下外施6 mmol L-1 Ca2+处理12 d。
Fig. 4 Effects of Ca2+ on relative expression level of PMT, H6H, TR I gene in roots (A) and leaves (B) of the Atropa belladonna L. under UV-B stress
Bars superscripted by different letters are significantly different among different treatments in the same gene at the 0.05 probability level. T0 group indicates untreated blank control groups; T1 group indicates UV-B radiation treatment for 12 days; T4 group indicates exogenous 6 mmol L-1 Ca2+ treatment for 12 days under UV-B stress.