水分和CO2浓度对冬小麦气孔特征、气体交换参数和生物量的影响 |
武海霞,郭丽丽,郝立华,张浩,王清涛,程东娟,彭正萍,李菲,张茜茜,李树彬,徐明,郑云普 |
Effects of Water and CO2 Concentration on Stomatal Traits, Leaf Gas Exchange, and Biomass of Winter Wheat |
Hai-Xia WU,Li-Li GUO,Li-Hua HAO,Hao ZHANG,Qing-Tao WANG,Dong-Juan CHENG,Zheng-Ping PENG,Fei LI,Xi-Xi ZHANG,Shu-Bin LI,Ming XU,Yun-Pu ZHENG |
图2 不同水分条件下e[CO2]对冬小麦叶片气体交换参数的影响 A: 净光合反应速率; B: 气孔导度; C: 蒸腾速率; D: 水分利用效率。所有数据为平均值±标准差(n = 5), 误差线上不同字母表示两种[CO2]下8个水分处理之间有显著差异(P<0.05)。 |
Fig. 2 Effects of e[CO2] on leaf gas exchange of winter wheat under different water conditions A: net photosynthetic rate; B: stomatal conductance; C: transpiration rate; D: water use efficiency. Data are means ± SD (n = 5). Different letters above the error bars indicate significantly different (P < 0.05) among the eight water treatments under two [CO2] conditions. |
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