
Changes of Maize Lodging after Physiological Maturity and Its Influencing Factors
Jun XUE,Qun WANG,Lu-Lu LI,Wan-Xu ZHANG,Rui-Zhi XIE,Ke-Ru WANG,Bo MING,Peng HOU,Shao-Kun LI
图1 玉米生理成熟后茎秆抗折断力变化
图A为新乡夏玉米,图B为奇台春玉米。箱线图(图A)中箱体部分代表50%样本的分布区域,即四分位区间(IQR)。两端线为Tukey法判定的合理观测样本边界。箱体中实线为样本中位数,虚线为样本均值,空心点表示异常值。图B中数据为同一样点、不同取样期所有参试品种的均值。图中不同小写字母分别表示同一样点不同取样期在0.05 水平下的差异显著。
Fig. 1 Changes in stalk breaking force of maize after physiological maturity
Fig. A shows the summer maize in Xinxiang, Fig. B show the spring maize in Qitai. The main box called IQR contains fifty percent samples in Box-whisker Plot (Fig. B). The two sidelines mean the reasonable sample border in Tukey method. The solid line in box positions the median sample. The hidden line stands for the average. The circle stands for the outlier. Values is the average for all cultivars in same sampling location and different sampling dates in Fig. B. Values within the same sampling location followed by different lowercase letters are significantly different at P<0.05.