
Changes of Maize Lodging after Physiological Maturity and Its Influencing Factors
Jun XUE,Qun WANG,Lu-Lu LI,Wan-Xu ZHANG,Rui-Zhi XIE,Ke-Ru WANG,Bo MING,Peng HOU,Shao-Kun LI
图5 玉米生理成熟后茎秆基部节间干物质变化
图A、C、E 为河南新乡夏玉米, 图B、D、F 为新疆奇台春玉米; DWUL, 单位长度干重。图中不同小写字母分别表示同一样点不同取样期在0.05 水平下的差异显著。
Fig. 5 Changes in dry weight per unit length (DWUL) of maize basal internode after physiological maturity
Fig. A, Fig. C, and Fig E show summer maize in Xinxiang, Henan. Fig. B, Fig. D, and Fig. F show spring maize in Qitai, Xinjiang. DWUL is dry weight per unit length. Values within the same sampling location indexed with different lowercase letters are significantly different at P < 0.05.