拟南芥RPT2与RIP1互作调节下胚轴向光弯曲的功能鉴定 |
赵翔,朱自亿,王潇楠,慕世超,张骁 |
Functional Analysis of Hypocotyl Phototropism Modulated by RPT2-Interacting Protein RIP1 in Arabidopsis thaliana L. |
Xiang ZHAO,Zi-Yi ZHU,Xiao-Nan WANG,Shi-Chao MU,Xiao ZHANG |
图5 拟南芥双突变体rpt2-2 rip1恢复下胚轴向光弯曲反应 A: 拟南芥野生型和突变体 rpt2-2、 rpt2-2 rip1-1和rpt2-2 rip1-2响应单侧蓝光(100 μmol m-2 s-1)的下胚轴向光弯曲表型; B: 弯曲度的测量统计结果。图中每个数据分别来自3次独立重复试验, 大约15~20颗苗的平均值±标准误。 |
Fig. 5 Arabidopsis double mutant rpt2-2 rip1 recovered hypocotyl phototropisim induced by high blue light A: phototropic phenotype of WT, rpt2-2, rpt2-2 rip1-1, and rpt2-2 rip1-2 in response to 100 μmol m-2 s-1 blue light; B: measurement of phototropic curvature for A. The values are the average of three independent experiments (15-20 measurements each) ±SD. |
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