光照强度对大豆叶片光合特性及同化物的影响 |
程亚娇,范元芳,谌俊旭,王仲林,谭婷婷,李佳凤,李盛蓝,杨峰,杨文钰 |
Effects of Light Intensity on Photosynthetic Characteristics and Assimilates of Soybean Leaf |
Ya-Jiao CHENG,Yuan-Fang FAN,Jun-Xu CHEN,Zhong-Lin WANG,Ting-Ting TAN,Jia-Feng LI,Sheng-Lan LI,Feng YANG,Wen-Yu YANG |
图3 不同光照强度对大豆叶片叶绿体超微结构的影响 上图为10000倍镜下叶绿体超微结构, A~D为正常光照下南豆12叶绿体超微结构在9:00、16:00、21:00、次日6:00的昼夜变化, E~H为正常光照下桂夏3号的叶绿体超微结构的昼夜变化, I~L为A2处理下南豆12的叶绿体超微结构的昼夜变化, M~P为A2处理下桂夏3号的叶绿体超微结构的昼夜变化。Q: 叶绿体, R: 淀粉粒。 |
Fig. 3 Effects of different light intensities on the chloroplast ultrastructure in soybean leaf The figure shows the chloroplast ultrastructure under 10000 magnifications. A-D is the diurnal variation of chloroplast ultrastructure of Nandou 12 under normal light at 9:00, 16:00, 21:00, and the next day 6:00, E-H is the diurnal variation of chloroplast ultrastructure of Guixia 3 under normal light, I-L is the diurnal variation of chloroplast ultrastructure of Nandou 12 under A2 treatment, and M-P is the diurnal variation of chloroplast ultrastructure of Guixia 3 under A2 treatment. Q: chloroplast, R: starch grains. |