光照强度对大豆叶片光合特性及同化物的影响 |
程亚娇,范元芳,谌俊旭,王仲林,谭婷婷,李佳凤,李盛蓝,杨峰,杨文钰 |
Effects of Light Intensity on Photosynthetic Characteristics and Assimilates of Soybean Leaf |
Ya-Jiao CHENG,Yuan-Fang FAN,Jun-Xu CHEN,Zhong-Lin WANG,Ting-Ting TAN,Jia-Feng LI,Sheng-Lan LI,Feng YANG,Wen-Yu YANG |
图4 不同光照强度下大豆叶片淀粉粒与叶绿体截面积比值 图A、图B分别为南豆12和桂夏3号在正常光照和A2处理下淀粉粒与叶绿体截面积比值的昼夜变化趋势。标以a、b、c的柱值表示CK处理下相同品种不同时间点的显著性差异, 标以(a)、(b)、(c)的柱值表示A2处理下相同品种不同时间点的显著性差异(P ≤ 0.05)。CK: 正常光照, 遮光度0; A2: 两层黑色遮阳网, 遮光度36%。 |
Fig. 4 Cross-sectional area ratios of starch grain to chloroplast under different light intensities in soybean leaf Figure A and B show the diurnal variation of ratios of starch to chloroplast cross-sectional area under CK and A2 treatment for Nandou 12 and Guixia 3. Bars superscripted by a, b, and c in the figure are significant by different at different time points for the same cultivar under the CK treatment, and those by (a), (b), (c) are significant by different at the different time points for the same cultivar under the A2 treatment (P ≤ 0.05). CK: normal light, shading 0; A2: two black shading nets, shading 36%. |