蒲敏, 罗绍兰, 廉小平, 张贺翠, 白晓璟, 王玉奎, 左同鸿, 高启国, 任雪松, 朱利泉
Cloning and Expression Analysis of BoSPI Induced by Self-pollination in Brassica oleracea L. var. capitata
Min PU, Shao-Lan LUO, Xiao-Ping LIAN, He-Cui ZHANG, Xiao-Jing BAI, Yu-Kui WANG, Tong-Hong ZUO, Qi-Guo GAO, Xue-Song REN, Li-Quan ZHU
表3 BoSPI基因上游调控区顺式作用元件 |
Table 3 cis-elements in the upstream regulation region of BoSPI gene |
相关功能预测 Associated putative function | 启动子顺式作用原件 cis-elements in the promoter region | Light response | ACE, ATCT-motif, Box 4, Box I, G-Box, GAG-motif, MRE | Salicylic acid response | TCA-element | MeJA response | CGTCA-motif, GARE-motif | Endosperm expression | Skn-1_motif | Fungal elicitor response | Box-W1 | Gibberellin response | GARE-motif | DNA binding protein (ATBP-1) | AT-rich element | Anaerobic induction | ARE | Abscisic acid response | ABRE | Stress responsiveness | HSE, LTR, MBS, TC-rich repeats |