秦丽霞, 李静, 张换样, 李盛, 竹梦婕, 焦改丽, 吴慎杰

Cloning and Expression Analysis of Galactosyltransferase Gene GhGalT1 Promoter in Cotton
Li-Xia QIN, Jing LI, Huan-Yang ZHANG, Sheng LI, Meng-Jie ZHU, Gai-Li JIAO, Shen-Jie WU
表2 GhGalT1启动子主要顺式作用元件及预测的功能
Table 2 The cis-acting elements and predicted functions in the GhGalT1 promoter sequence
cis-acting element
Core sequence
Location (bp)
3-AF binding site CACTATCTAAC -472 to -462 光响应元件 Light responsive element
ATCT-motif AATCTAATCT -401 to -392 光响应元件
Part of a conserved DNA module involved in light responsiveness
Box 4 ATTAAT -505 to -499 光响应元件
Part of a conserved DNA module involved in light responsiveness
Box 1 TTTCAAA -387 to -381 光响应元件Light responsive element
GAG-motif AGAGAGT -246 to -240 光响应元件 Part of a light responsive element
MYCCONSE CACCTG -298 to -293 脱水响应 Dehydration responsiveness
CGTCA-motif CGTCA -175 to -171 茉莉酸甲酯响应元件 MeJA responsive element
MBS CAACTG -141 to -136 干旱诱导的MYB 结合位点
MYB binding site involved in drought-inducibility
TC-rich repeats ATTTTCTTCA -460 to -451 防御及胁迫响应元件
Cis-acting element involved in defense and stress responsiveness
HSE AAAAAATTTC -249 to -259 热胁迫响应元件 Heat stress responsiveness
Sp 1 CC(G/A)CCC -152 to -147 光响应元件Light responsive element
Skn-1 motif GTCAT -520 to -524, -325 to -321,
-206 to -202
Endosperm specific expression
TCCC-motif TCTCCCT -156 to -148 光响应元件 Light responsive element
Circadian CAANNNNATC -364 to -355 调控生物节律
Cis-acting regulatory element involved in circadian control