彭章, 童华荣, 梁国鲁, 石艺琦, 袁连玉

Protoplast Isolation and Fusion Induced by PEG with Leaves and Roots of Tea Plant (Camellia sinensis L. O. Kuntze)
Zhang PENG, Hua-Rong TONG, Guo-Lu LIANG, Yi-Qi SHI, Lian-Yu YUAN
表4 酶解液渗透压对分离茶树原生质体的影响
Table 4 Effects of osmotic pressure of enzyme solution on protoplasts isolated from tea plant
Enzyme solution number
Mannitol concentration
(mol L-1)
Protoplast morphology
1 0.3 原生质体呈浑圆状态, 约70%以上的是完整原生质体, 但细胞碎片及细胞器较多
Protoplasts were rounded, about 70% of protoplasts were intact, but there were a lot of cell debris and organelles
2 0.4 原生质体呈浑圆状态, 约85%以上是完整原生质体, 且细胞碎片及细胞器较少
Protoplasts were rounded, about 85% of them were intact, and only a small amount of cell debris and organelles existed
3 0.5 较正常原生质体体积缩小, 略有皱褶
Compared with normal protoplasts, the protoplast size was smaller and slightly wrinkled