肖明纲, 宋凤景, 孙兵, 左辛, 赵广山, 辛爱华, 李柱刚

Exploration of Foreign Maize Inbred Lines with Broad Spectrum Resistance to Northern Corn Leaf Blight and Preliminary Identification of Resistance Genes
Ming-Gang XIAO, Feng-Jing SONG, Bing SUN, Xin ZUO, Guang-Shan ZHAO, Ai-Hua XIN, Zhu-Gang LI
表3 4份玉米自交系对0、1、2、N和123N的反应型
Table 3 Infection types in the four foreign inbred lines to isolates 0, 1, 2, N, and 123N of northern corn leaf blight
Inbred line
小种鉴定结果Identification of species
0 1 2 N 123N
A619 S S S S S
A619Ht1 R S R R S
A619Ht2 R R S R S
A619Ht3 R R R R S
A619HtN R R R S S
A04 R R R R R
F02 R R R R R
F05 R R R R R
R01 R R R R R