王利民, 刘佳, 杨福刚, 杨玲波, 姚保民, 王小龙

Acguisition of Winter Wheat Area in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region with GF-1 Satellite Data
Li-Min WANG, Jia LIU, Fu-Gang YANG, Ling-Bo YANG, Bao-Min YAO, Xiao-Long WANG
表 1 NDVI均值结果与冬小麦面积指数的比较
Table 1 Comparison between NDVI mean value result and winter wheat area index
Ground objective
Average NDVI
Winter wheat area index
冬小麦 Winter wheat 0.4250 0.3489
其他地表物 Other ground objectives 0.2624 0.1298
差异绝对值 Difference value 0.1626 0.2191
差异倍数 Difference multiple 1.62 2.69