安俊朋, 李从锋, 齐华, 隋鹏祥, 张文可, 田平, 有德宝, 梅楠, 邢静

Effects of Straw Strip Returning on Spring Maize Yield, Soil Moisture, Nitrogen Contents and Root Distribution in Northeast China
Jun-Peng AN, Cong-Feng LI, Hua QI, Peng-Xiang SUI, Wen-Ke ZHANG, Ping TIAN, De-Bao YOU, Nan MEI, Jing XING
表2 吐丝期不同处理对春玉米根干重及根冠比的影响
Table 2 Effects of different treatments on root dry weight and root shoot ratio at silking stage
2015 2016
Root biomass (g plant-1)
Root shoot ratio
Root biomass (g plant-1)
Root shoot ratio
RR+S 12.61±0.43 b 0.040±0.001 b 15.71±0.66 b 0.047±0.002 b
RR 17.12±0.30 a 0.063±0.001 a 14.60±0.55 b 0.047±0.002 b
IR+S 11.22±0.82 c 0.038±0.003 b 15.71±0.64 b 0.046±0.002 b
IR 16.89±0.86 a 0.063±0.003 a 18.81±1.07 a 0.061±0.003 a
显著性分析(F值) Interaction analysis of root biomass and root shoot ratio (F-value)
S 184.430** 304.516** 5.135 30.550**
M 4.668 2.037 23.067** 18.690**
S×M 2.410 0.066 23.033** 29.627**