
Molecular Cloning and Functional Analysis of 1-FFT in Wheat Relatives
Jian-Wei WANG,Xiao-Lan HE,Wen-Xu LI,Xin-Hong CHEN
图5 T0代转基因植株的鉴定
A: 转基因植株的PCR鉴定; B: 转基因植株1-FFT的表达鉴定。M: D15000 marker; P: 阳性对照(质粒); WT: 阴性对照; NT: 转空载体的阴性对照; 1~12: 转基因植株。
Fig. 5 Validation of transgenic T0 plants
A: PCR analysis of transgenic plants; B: expression patterns of 1-FFT gene; M: D15000 marker; P: positive control (plasmid); WT: negative control plants; NT: negative control (non-transgenic plants); 1-12: T0-tobacco transgenic plants.