
Effects of Plastic Film Mulching on Grain Yield and Sulfur Concentration of Winter Wheat in Dryland of Loess Plateau
Lai-Chao LUO,Zhao-Hui WANG,Xiao-Li HUI,Xiang ZHANG,Qing-Xia MA,Ming BAO,Yue ZHAO,Ming HUANG,Sen WANG
图4 覆膜栽培对小麦穗数、穗粒数和千粒重的影响
盒内黑色实线和红色虚线分别表示中位数和平均数; 盒子的上、下边缘线分别表示数据集的75%和25%分位数; 上、下T形棒分别表示95%和5%分位数; “?”代表小于5%或大于95%分位数的数据; “*”表示同一地点覆膜与不覆膜两种栽培模式间差异显著(P < 0.05)。
Fig. 4 Effects of plastic film mulching on spike number, grain number per spike and 1000-grain weight of winter wheat
The median and mean values are marked with the solid and red dashed lines inside the box, respectively. The lower and upper edges of the box represent the 25th and 75th percentile, respectively. The lower and upper T-bars represent the 5th and 95th percentile, respectively. The symbols “?” above and below the box represent the <5th and >95th percentile of all data, respectively. Significant difference (P < 0.05) between no mulching and plastic film mulching treatments in one location is marked with * above a pair of boxes.