Effect of Chemical Regulators on Physical and Chemical Properties and Lodging Resistance of Spring Maize Stem in Northeast China
Hai-Chao FAN,Wan-Rong GU,De-Guang YANG,Ju-Ping YU,Lin PIAO,Qian ZHANG,Li-Guo ZHANG,Xiu-Hong YANG,Shi WEI
表2 化控剂对玉米茎秆抗折力的影响
Table 2 Effects of chemical regulators on bending resistance of maize stem
年份 Year | 处理 Treatment | 拔节期 Elongation stage | 抽雄吐丝期 Tasseling stage | 灌浆初期 Early filling stage | 乳熟期 Milk stage | 完熟期 Maturing stage | 2015 | KP | 229.69±11.75 a | 433.51±8.83 a | 491.83±6.57 a | 465.41±6.70 a | 455.26±17.97 a | DTB | 220.11±11.98 a | 402.41±8.85 b | 472.55±7.87 b | 436.58±5.54 b | 417.76±15.53 a | CK | 162.17±10.40 b | 346.33±16.82 c | 409.05±11.84 c | 381.07±12.67 c | 360.50±17.56 b | 2016 | KP | 231.14±12.15 a | 441.64±8.31 a | 494.61±8.94 a | 470.51±9.70 a | 457.21±14.13 a | DTB | 223.61±10.58 a | 401.89±7.75 b | 469.62±6.79 b | 435.56±6.44 b | 415.63±12.45 a | CK | 163.21±9.67 b | 350.34±11.42 c | 412.43±12.65 c | 382.37±8.78 c | 363.14±14.45 b |