
Comparison of Growth Monitoring Index NDVI between GF-1 and MODIS Images in Winter Wheat
Li-Min WANG,Ling-Bo YANG,Jia LIU,Fu-Gang YANG,Bao-Min YAO
图7 GF-1影像(A, C, E)和MODIS影像(B, D, F)的NDVI与冬小麦长势地面监测指标对比
A和B: NDVI与冬小麦综合茎数的相关性; C和D: NDVI与冬小麦株高的相关性; E和F: NDVI与冬小麦叶片吐绿素浓度的相关性。

Fig. 7 Relationship between NDVI of GF-1 image (panels A, C, and E) or MODIS image (panels B, D, and F) and ground monitoring growth index of winter wheat
A and B: correlation between NDVI and stem number of winter wheat; C and D: correlation between NDVI and plant height of winter wheat; E and F: correlation between NDVI and leaf chlorophyll concentration of winter wheat.