
A Qualitative and Quantitative PCR Detection Method for Disease-resistant Genetically Modified Rice M12 and Its Derivates
Peng LI,Lin ZHANG,Ji-Ni YE,Shi-Yao HE,Jun-Wei JIA,Ai-Hu PAN,Xue-Ming TANG
图4 M12事件特异性定性PCR的灵敏度分析
M12品系特异性扩增(A)和水稻内标准基因sps扩增(B)。M: DNA marker (DL1000); 1~5: 10 000、1000、100、10、5个拷贝单倍体水稻基因组; 6: 阴性对照。

Fig. 4 Sensitivity detection of qualitative PCR for M12 The qualitative PCR of event-specific M12 (A) and rice endogenous gene sps (B).
M: DNA marker (DL1000); 1-5: 10 000, 1000, 100, 10, 5 copies of haploid rice genomic DNA; 6: negative control.