水稻抗稻瘟病基因Pi47的精细定位和候选基因分析 |
肖湘谊,史学涛,盛浩闻,刘金灵,肖应辉 |
Fine Mapping and Candidate Gene Analysis of Rice Blast Resistance Gene Pi47 |
Xiang-Yi XIAO,Xue-Tao SHI,Hao-Wen SHENG,Jin-Ling LIU,Ying-Hui XIAO |
图1 Pi47位点区域遗传图谱与物理图谱的构建 A: Pi47位点区域遗传图谱。中间粗实线为第11染色体Pi47位点区域示意图, 上方为定位使用标记, 下方数字为相邻两个标记间的遗传距离; B: Pi47精细定位重组各标记重组子数。从上往下依次为对应标记在CX52/CO39 (n=247)、CX18/CO39 (n=308)、CX279/CO39 (n=1132) F2群体中鉴定的重组子数目; C: Pi47位点在日本晴参考基因组中的BAC克隆重叠群构建的物理图谱。每段黑实线代 |
Fig. 1 Genetic and physical map construction of Pi47 locus A: the genetic map of Pi47 locus. The middle crude black line is the Pi47 locus on chromosome 11, the letter above the line is the molecular makers used in gene mapping, and the number below is the genetic distance between two adjacent markers. B: the number of recombinant of corresponding markers used in Pi47 fine mapping. The numbers from top to bottom are recombinants detected in CX52/CO39 (n=247), CX18/CO39 (n=308), CX279/CO39 (n=1132) F2 mapping population, respectively. C: the physical map of Pi47 locus in japonica rice Nipponbare reference genome. Each crude line represents one BAC clone with its clone number under the line; the crossing points are the position of markers used in fine mapping. D: final physical region of Pi47 fine mapping within 171.2 kb between S32 and S10 marks. E: genetic background analysis of Pi47 single gene lines with molecular marker. |
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