玉米隐花色素CRY1b和CRY2基因转录丰度对不同光质处理的响应 |
李红丹,闫蕾,孙蕾,樊晓聪,陈士瞻,张燕,郭林,游光霞,李庄,杨宗举,苏亮,杨建平 |
Transcription Abundances of CRY1b and CRY2 Genes in Response to Different Light Treatments in Maize |
Hong-Dan LI,Lei YAN,Lei SUN,Xiao-Cong FAN,Shi-Zhan CHEN,Yan ZHANG,Lin GUO,Guang-Xia YOU,Zhuang LI,Zong-Ju YANG,Liang SU,Jian-Ping YANG |
图7 ZmCRY1b和ZmCRY2基因在光周期(长日照和短日照)处理的表达水平 “B73”的幼苗分别在长日照条件下(LD, 16 h光照/8 h黑暗)或短日照条件下(SD, 8 h光照/16 h黑暗)生长13 d后, 每2 h取一次样。把ZmCRY2/Tubulin在黑暗结束时期的比值设为1, 并以此为对照。折线图代表了在3次独立的生物学重复下ZmCRY2/Tubulin的平均值, 其中误差线代表了标准差。 |
Fig. 7 Relative expression of both ZmCRY1b and ZmCRY2 genes in response to photoperiod (long-day and short-day) treatment The seedlings of maize inbred line B73 were grown in long-day condition (LD, 16 h light/8 h dark) or short-day (SD, 8 h light/16 h dark) for 13 d, then sampled every two hours. The transcription abundance of ZmCRY2 in the dark was set as the control, and the ratio of ZmCRY2/Tubulin at the end of the dark period was set as 1. Each line graph shows the mean expression of ZmCRY2/Tubulin of three biological repeats. Error bars indicate the standard deviation. |
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