龙海馨(  ),邱海阳,MuhammadUZAIR,房静静,赵金凤,李学勇(  )
Phenotypic Analysis and Gene Mapping of the Rice Narrow-leaf Mutant nal20
Hai-Xin LONG(  ),Hai-Yang QIU,UZAIR Muhammad,Jing-Jing FANG,Jin-Feng ZHAO,Xue-Yong LI(  )
图1. 野生型和突变体nal20的叶片宽度 A: 野生型(左)和突变体nal20 (右)抽穗期的剑叶形态比较, 标尺为10 mm; B: 剑叶、倒二叶和倒三叶叶片宽度比较。以t测验计算P值, 柱形图中**表示突变体在P <0.01水平差异显著(n = 20)。
Fig. 1. Leaf width of wild type (WT) and the nal20 mutant A: flag leaf size of wild type and the nal20 mutant at heading stage (bar = 10 mm); B: leaf width comparison of flag, top second, and top third leaves between WT and nal20. P-values were analyzed using Student’s t-tests. ** significantly different at P < 0.01 (n = 20).