水稻窄叶突变体nal20的表型分析与基因定位 |
龙海馨,邱海阳,MuhammadUZAIR,房静静,赵金凤,李学勇 |
Phenotypic Analysis and Gene Mapping of the Rice Narrow-leaf Mutant nal20 |
Hai-Xin LONG,Hai-Yang QIU,UZAIR Muhammad,Jing-Jing FANG,Jin-Feng ZHAO,Xue-Yong LI |
图6 野生型和突变体nal20穗型和茎节长度 A: 野生型(左)和突变体nal20 (右)抽穗期的主茎穗形态; B: 主茎穗粒数比较, t测验计算P值, 柱形图中**表示突变体在P < 0.01水平差异显著(n = 20); C: 野生型(左)和突变体nal20 (右)抽穗期的节间形态; D: 节间长度比较(由上而下分别是穗长、穗茎节、第1茎节、第2茎节、第3茎节、第4茎节、第5茎节、第6茎节)。 |
Fig. 6 Panicle morphology and internode length of wild type (WT) and the nal20 mutant A: panicle shape of wild type and the nal20 mutant at heading stage; B: comparison of grain number per panicle. The P-values were analyzed from student’s t-tests. ** P < 0.01 (n = 20); C: internodes of wild type and the nal20 mutant at heading stage; D: comparison of internode length (from the top to bottom is panicle, panicle internode, the first internode, the second internode, the third internode, the fourth internode, the fifth internode, and the sixth internode). |
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