油菜种子含油量GWAS分析及位点整合系统构建 |
魏大勇,崔艺馨,梅家琴,汤青林,李加纳,钱伟 |
Genome-wide Association Study on Seed Oil Content in Rapeseed and Construction of Integration System for Oil Content Loci |
Da-Yong WEI,Yi-Xin CUI,Jia-Qin MEI,Qing-Lin TANG,Jia-Na LI,Wei QIAN |
图3 全基因组组水平展示不同油菜群体种子含油量的定位结果 (a)染色体数目; (b)参考基因组所有基因的热图(窗口大小为500 kb); (c)已知的1663个油分代谢相关基因; (1) DY-DH群体; (2) RNSL-DH群体; (3) GP-RIL群体; (4) RC-F2群体; (5) SG-DH群体; (6) Z5-DH群体; (7) KN-DH群体; (8) TN-DH群体; (9)PT-DH群体; (10) 521份自然群体1; (11) 521份自然群体2; (12) 521份自然群体3; (13) ES-DH群体; (14) 142份自然群体4; (15) 308份自然群体。中间不同颜色线条表示A和C亚基因组上存在同源关系的12组整合区间。 |
Fig. 3 Genome-wide level display of the sites of seed oil content in different rapeseed populations (a) chromosome number; (b) heat map of all genes in reference genome (window size is 500 kb); (c) 1663 known oil metabolic genes; (1) DY-DH population; (2) RNSL-DH population; (3) GP-RIL population; (4) RC-F2 population; (5) SG-DH population; (6) Z5-DH population; (7) KN-DH population; (8) TN-DH population; (9) PT-DH population; (10) 521 natural population 1; (11) 521 natural population 2; (12) 521 natural population 3; (13) ES-DH population; (14) 142 natural population 4; (15) 308 natural population 5. Lines in the middle indicate the homology of integrated loci between the A and the C subgenomes. |
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