
QTL Mapping for Yield, Growth Period and Plant Height Traits Using MAGIC Population in Upland Cotton
Cong HUANG,Xiao-Fang LI,Ding-Guo LI,Zhong-Xu LIN
图2 8个性状之间的Pearson’s相关系数
***分别表示在P < 0.05和P < 0.01的水平上显著相关。FT: 开花期; FFSBN: 第一果枝节位; PH: 株高; EBN: 单株有效铃数; BW: 单铃籽棉重; LW: 单铃皮棉重; LP: 衣分; SI: 籽指。

Fig. 2 Pearson’s correlation coefficients among eight traits
* and ** indicate the significant correlation at P < 0.05 and P < 0.01, respectively. FT: flowering time; FFSBN: first fruit spur branch number; PH: plant height; EBN: effective boll number; BW: boll weight; LW: lint weight; LP: lint percentage; SI: seed index.