利用陆地棉MAGIC群体定位产量、生育期和株高性状的QTL |
黄聪,李晓方,李定国,林忠旭 |
QTL Mapping for Yield, Growth Period and Plant Height Traits Using MAGIC Population in Upland Cotton |
Cong HUANG,Xiao-Fang LI,Ding-Guo LI,Zhong-Xu LIN |
图4 检测到的显著关联位点在参考遗传图谱上的分布 红色和下画线字体表示与性状显著关联的SSR标记。*和**分别表示在P<0.01和P<0.00352水平上显著关联。 |
Fig. 4 Distribution of the loci identified by association analysis on the published genetic map The identified markers significantly associated with traits are indicated by red and underlined font. * and ** indicate the significant association at P < 0.05 and P < 0.00352, respectively. FT: flowering time; FFSBN: first fruit spur branch number; PH: plant height; EBN: effective boll number; BW: boll weight; LW: lint weight; LP: lint percentage; SI: seed index. |
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