
Identification and Bioinformatics Analysis of the PIN Family Gene in Brassica napus
Kun GAO,Ying-Peng HUA,Hai-Xing SONG,Chun-Yun GUAN,Zhen-Hua ZHANG,Ting ZHOU
图9 低氮胁迫下甘蓝型油菜PIN家族基因转录组分析
S: 地上部; R: 根; 0、3、72 (h)代表缺氮胁迫的时间。图中结果表示3次生物学重复的平均值。

Fig. 9 Transcriptome analysis of PIN family genes in Brassica napus under low nitrate concentration conditions
S: shoot; R: root; 0, 3, and 72 (h) represent the time course of nitrogen deficiency. The results represent the average of three biological replicates.