大豆GmHDL57基因的克隆及抗盐功能鉴定 |
柯丹霞,彭昆鹏,张孟珂,贾妍,王净净 |
Cloning and Salt Resistance Function Identification of GmHDL57 Gene from Glycine max |
Dan-Xia KE,Kun-Peng PENG,Meng-Ke ZHANG,Yan JIA,Jing-Jing WANG |
图2 大豆GmHDL57与其他植物同源蛋白的保守序列比对分析 Glycine max: 栽培大豆; Glycine soja: 野生大豆; Cajanus cajan: 木豆; Vigna angularis: 赤豆; Phaseolus vulgaris: 菜豆; Vigna radiata: 绿豆; Cicer arietinum: 鹰嘴豆; Lupinus angustifolius: 狭叶羽扇豆; Medicago truncatula: 蒺藜苜蓿; Arachis duranensis: 蔓花生; Arachis ipaensis: 落花生。黑线部分为同源异型框结构域序列, 虚线部分为同源异型框结合类亮氨酸拉链结构域序列。 |
Fig. 2 Conserved amino acid sequence alignment analysis of GmHDL57 and its homologous proteins in some other plants The sequence marked with solid line demonstrates the homeobox domain, and the sequence marked with dotted line demonstrates the homeobox associated leucine zipper domain. |
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