玉米株高主效QTL qPH3.2精细定位及遗传效应分析
刘忠祥 1,*(  ),杨梅 2,*(  ),殷鹏程 2,周玉乾 1,何海军 1,邱法展 2,*(  )
Fine Mapping and Genetic Effect Analysis of a Major QTL qPH3.2 Associated with Plant Height in Maize (Zea mays L.)
Zhong-Xiang LIU 1,*(  ),Mei YANG 2,*(  ),Peng-Cheng YIN 2,Yu-Qian ZHOU 1,Hai-Jun HE 1,Fa-Zhan QIU 2,*(  )
图1. RIL系W1和W2的株高比较 A: 亲本W1和W2的株高表型; B: 亲本在湖北武汉(15WH)、湖北黄冈(16HG)、山东潍坊(16SD)的株高表型差异分析。
Fig. 1. Comparison of plant height (PH) between W1 and W2 A: The plant height (PH) between W1 and W2; B: The difference analysis of W1 and W2 in Wuhan of Hubei (15WH), Huanggang of Hubei (16HG), and Weifang of Shandong (16SD), respectively.